Giusi Ascione
Il mondo è bello perché di vario cervello,ma è ancora più bello se lo usi al meglio
Giuseppina is a registered architect, who is back to Italy after 10 years working in different architectural firms around the world, and is founder, since 2011, of a professional service which offers a complete support for planning, refurbishing e design regenerative spaces. She is involved in a new interdisciplinary research with neuroscientists to investigate the crossing relations between human behavior and built environment. (Evidence Based Design - Environmental Psychology) and is part of the faculty for NAAD master @IUAV of Venice.
She is research architect (neuroarchitect) for Progetto Design & Build , ( ProgettoCMR group) , after collaborating for 5 years with Neocogita Srl. In support of well-being in the built world, she collaborates with a network of professionals for an excellent design and construction service.